Saturday, June 14, 2014

Royal Jelly & Honey Update

I did a quick check on the hives this morning to see if honey production was picking up. So far I have only harvested 50 pounds this year, which is 30% of what I would have expected from all three hives.

The purple hive was doing very well and looked to have quite a lot of capped or ready to be capped honey. Additionally, it looks like the bees have started drawing comb in the Ross Round frames (which they haven't touched until now). I actually ended up putting another super on the purple hive.

The green hive was doing alright, the supers didn't seem to have a whole lot of capped honey, and a lot of the frames in the top super were looking very empty.

Yellow hive appeared to be re-queening itself, I found some queen cups with some royal jelly in them. Here is a pretty good shot (the white substance is royal jelly):

I'm not exactly sure why they would be re-queening themselves at this time of year, whether something happened to the old queen, or perhaps they have swarmed again. In any case, it means we probably won't be seeing very much more honey from this hive this season.

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