Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Queen Release

I went down to the hives after work today to make sure that the queens had been released. I was going to wait a week to let the bees settle down, but Vicky told me that the Queens should be out by now. I very quickly took the queen cage out of each hive (because it was a bit chilly outside) and put in two drawn frames that Vicky gave me. The bees were probably very happy to get a little bit of comb (since I didn't give them anything but plain wax sheets - it's easier for them when they have the comb already made). Here is me inspecting Thistle's queen cage:

I also put the other plastic hive top feeder that I have onto the Mint hive, you can see that it is a bit different than the other one that I have from Mann Lake, and you have to place an empty hive body over top of it to seal it. The hive top feeders are nice because you don't even have to put on a bee suit to fill them up:

1 comment:

  1. your new equipment looks so snazzy! I hope they're all settling in nicely to their new homes!
